Accordingto an October 24 report by Songjiang News, the Peoples Court ofSongjiang District, Shanghai, recently adjudicated and mediated ashareholder transfer dispute involving a foreign national.


Thedefendant, a Japanese citizen, had previously co-ope transfer agreement, under which the plaintiffexited the business and transferred his shares to the defendant.According to the agreement, the defendant was obligated to pay theplaintiff 1 million yuan. However, at the time of the lawsuit, thedefendant still owed 360,000 yuan plus interest. The case was filedwith the court on June 6.


Duringthe trial, the judge carefully reviewed the circumstances of bothparties. The plaintiff, seeking to recover the outstanding debt,requested that the defendants bank accounts be frozen and that hisexit from China be restricted.


Giventhat the defendant was a foreign national and still operated multiplerestaurant chains, the judge decided to first offer a legalexplanation to both parties, urging them to resolve the issue throughmediation.


Thejudge noted that the facts of the case were clear, and based on theavailable evidence, the defendant was likely to lose the case, withthe potential for further measures being taken based on theplaintiffs application. These actions would undoubtedly affect thedefendants livelihood. “If we proceed according to theplaintiffs request to freeze the defendant’s accounts andrestrict his exit, it would have a significant impact on thedefendant,” said He Jihua, Senior Judge of the Commercial Court.”From our perspective, we would prefer to avoid such asituation. The defendant is a foreign businessman operating in China,and we want to support him in successfully running his business here,under the premise that the plaintiff’s rights are alsoprotected.”


Throughmediation, the court reached a resolution where the defendant agreedto pay the outstanding amount over a two-year period in monthlyinstallments. As a result, the case was closed amicably. Thedefendant has already made the first payment as agreed.


JudgeHe emphasized that the mediation outcome was significant not only forensuring the plaintiffs rights but also for minimizing the impact onthe defendant. “This approach reduces the impact on thedefendant and allows him more time and resources to focus on hisbusiness activities. This is also a positive contribution to thebusiness environment,” he said. Furthermore, the defendant’srestaurant chains employ over 100 staff members, and the successfulmediation helped avoid potential indirect consequences such aslayoffs.

